Welcome to the MailSauce changelog! Here we'll be keeping a chronologically ordered list of all changes for each version of a MailSauce. It's not the most interesting thing to read through, but we want to keep you all in the loop and if you're the sort of person that likes to know exactly what you're paying for this is for you.
Date of release: December 18, 2019
Added documentation on how click tracking works.
Added documentation on how to correctly import contacts.
Graphically updated the bar chart and doughnut chart to their edges are rounded.
Removed the fixed positioning on the documenation navigation. This now remains static at the top of the browser document, not the clients window.
Date of release: November 12, 2019
We have finally got around to implementing a highly requested user suggestion which was to add...drum roll please...Contact list segments! Contact list segments are now completely finished and implemented. You can create one by going into a Contact list, then clicking on the 'Contacts segment' tab, creating a few basic rules, and then you're done! You should see contacts from your parent list filter through into the segment based on the rules you setup.
Added documentation on how to use variables in messages, how to correctly name variables, and where variables come from.
Contact segments:
These are now added! (notes above)
Show a graphic for when there are no contacts.
Show a graphic for when there are no rules.
Filter differently for rules with dates.
A new dropdown to allow the user to select if 'All' or 'Any' rules should be followed.
Contact details:
Show a graphic for when there are no segments.
Show a graphic for when there are no contacts.
Show a graphic for when there are no variables.
Graphically updated the bar chart and doughnut chart to their edges are rounded.
Fixed a bug where the campaign date would not get error-highlighted if no date was input upon clicking "Schedule".
Fixed a bug where date picker inputs wouldn't open the calendar.
Fixed a bug where color picker inputs wouldn't open the color wheel.
Fixed a bug where date picker inputs wouldn't open the calendar.